A Day In The Life Of A Senior Product Designer | in Singapore

Hello, I’m Jasmae, a Senior UX / Product Designer based in Singapore

Jasmae Mino


When I started creating drafts for this article, I wanted this to appear glorifying and enticing even but I decided to serve you guys some hard truths about what I do in my day-to-day as a Product Designer.

9:00 AM — Preparing to go to the Office/ Work From Home, making quick coffee runs, and trying to catch up on emails.

It’s rare for me to work in typical office spaces, at times, I’ll be at a client’s location or meet stakeholders at a co-working space. I usually work from home too (even before the pandemic happened). 📃

Before I dive into important emails I’ll go for a quick coffee run. Previously, I was living in a small studio where a coffee shop was just 3–5 minutes away from my place. ☕️

10:00 AM — 11:00 AM — Office Space, Meet our CEO for brainstorming & design updates

Going through some design ideas that I was tasked to do at a nearby WeWork office. We were building a kiosk screen design and also revamping the design & user experience for our virtual mailbox.

11:00 AM — 12:00 PM — Wrap up meeting & Combing through feedback

It’s almost lunchtime! At this time I’d be combing through feedback discussions and notes from the meeting I had.

post-feedback session look (lol).

12:00 PM — 01:00 PM — Lunch Break

It’s either another trip at a nearby hawker center or I’ll just cook at home, meet my parents and siblings to eat out, or Grab delivery (lol).

Had time to have lunch with the fam :)

01:00 PM — 03:00 PM — Design Block

I’d usually block my time for design changes, ideations, etc. I’d also use this time to clarify some information from my Project Managers. Since there are two apps I was working on. I’d separately get on calls with them for each project.

03:00 PM — 04:30 PM — Sync Meetings

I’ll have a sync with software engineers regarding feasibility and/or design systems. This is not always the case, sometimes my design blocks would run over until the end of the day or I’ll prep for presentations.

There are fixed meetings/sessions in a day such as standup calls where we report our tasks, alignment, critical bug fixes, etc.

Waiting for my next meeting here haha

04:30 PM — 06:00 PM — Continue Design Tasks, Emails, etc.

I’d usually just polish designs, write down tasks I need to follow up on the next day, and/or send out updates of my tasks. When I was working in start-ups, I wore many hats, and that included working on social media collaterals, presentations, and blog designs.

Coffee break ☕️

After work, I’ll just be catching up with my video games or going out for a stroll around the mall. ☕️

Of course, this is not what a typical day looks like every time. Sometimes our day would just be occupied with meetings, designing, confirming requirements, sprint reviews, etc.

Hope you got the gist of how we go through all the chaos! 😬



Senior Product Designer | UI/UX | Follow me on Instagram: @jasmaedesign thank you! :)